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2008/01/27的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2008/01/31的日記
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篇名: 2008/01/29的日記
作者: wayne 日期: 2008.01.29  天氣:  心情:
%%- 姓胡的比較不幸, 因為他們說什麼都是"胡"說 英文中的 ".........," Hu says. 翻成中文也恰是 ".........," 胡說 So whatever Hu says is 胡說 %%- "龍配龍, 鳳配鳳, 爛掃帚配破畚斗" 這句話並無階級意識, 只是"門當戶對"的意思 扁珍配就是一例, 不過絕不是什麼龍啊鳳的 %%- Did I love anyone before? A couple of times. Silly kind of love. Was I ever happy? I vaguely remember I was once. It was so long ago I almost forgot how it felt like. %%- It seems Obama has more charisma than Mrs Clinton. He also said if elected he'd do away with the lobbying by interest groups in Washington. Bravo. But are Americans ready for a black or a female president? If one of them becomes the president and the other the vice president, then Democratic Party would break two records in one shot. They'd be rewriting American history.
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