❤Sweet WordS are eaSy to Say, ❤Sweet thingS are eaSy to buy, But... ❤Sweet People are difficult to find, ... ❤Life endS when U Stop Dreaming, ❤Hope Stop when U Stop Believeing, ❤Love endS when U Stop Caring... ❤FriendShip EndS when U Stop Sharing... ❤Forgive the heart that hurts you.... ❤And don't hurt the heart that "Loves U"... ❤Don't cry over anyone who won't cry for you... ❤Good Frenz are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget. ❤Most people walk in and out of urlife, but only me leave footprints in ur HEART...
With love☜♥☞ v3rn'z
哦... = =!
yupe..if u allow me 2 do so.. i am willing to leave my footprints on u.